Clinics & Services
We will work with our patients to provide high quality primary medical services required for the management of all our patients who believe themselves to be ill, in partnership with the patient or carer within our core hours.
We will also support our patients in making improvements to their health and where necessary refer to other NHS services. We will provide health care services required for the immediately necessary treatment of any person requesting treatment owing to an accident or emergency.
Additional Services
In addition to the essential services provided by the practice, we also offer the following services:
- Childhood Immunisations/vaccinations
- Flu/Pneumococcal immunisations
- Minor Surgery
- Fitting of IUCDs/Mirena coils
- Anti-coagulation
- Alcohol Users
- Neonatal examinations
- Post Natal examinations
- Chlamydia Screening
- HPV vaccination.
Practice Leaflet Dr.Rasib and Partners
Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia
Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia Patient Information
At High Risk of Diabetes - Information Booklet
Pre-Diabetes - Patient Info
Pre-Diabetes - Diabetes UK
What are the benefits of a healthy diet? - Patient Info
Exercise and Physical Activity - Patient Info
Eat Well - NHS
Diabetes - Know Your Risk Tool
Glycaemic Index Food Fact Sheet
Vitamin B12 Self-Administration
B12 Self Administration FAQ
Administering B12 injection - self administration step-by-step guide